Yoga studies continue to show that Yoga reduces stress and helps with anxiety, depression, insomnia and trauma among other health conditions. To read further on how Yoga can help, Click Here
Meet Our Yoga Instructors

In 2009, I began my yoga journey as a student. That one class many years ago changed the path of my life forever.

My goal as a yoga teacher is to help students connect the mind and body by integrating meditation and physical movement through their yoga practice.

I started my yoga journey in 2005 while looking for some relaxation and quiet from work, raising a family and other life responsibilities.

Namaste & Welcome! My name is Stephanie Chapman Waters. On January 10, 2012 I began my journey in yoga.
The regularly scheduled Sunday evening reset class incorporates movement through a slow flow and a variety of yin/restorative techniques to help you wind down from the previous week and begin the new week refreshed. Each week will be devoted to a special theme hand picked by the instructor to support your well-being.