“Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment,
filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”
-Thich Nhat Hanh

Calendar & Sign Up

Candlelight Meditations

45 Minutes Mindfulness Includes

  • Teaching video from inspiring Mindfulness leaders : Tara Brach, Jon Kabot Zinn, Kristin Neff, Thich Nhat Hanh and others

  • Guided Mediation led by Marah

  • Silent Restorative Stretching or Mindful Walking

 Optional (immediately following mindfulness)

After the 45 minute Mindfulness, you are welcome to stay for open discussion about tonight’s experience

Mindfulness is the buzzword of today ! It is used to destress, focus, and relax. It seems to be popping up everywhere from news reports to being on magazine covers advertising its powerful effects. In actuality it is an ancient practice, but in the last few decades both science and experience has demonstrated its positive benefits for our health, happiness, work, and relationships.

Mindfulness is simple awareness of what is happening in this present moment without judgement.

Try it now! Take a few deep breaths, then let your breath go to a natural pace. For 1 minute observe your breath coming in and out “I know I’m breathing in, I know I’m breathing out”. If thoughts or feelings pop through, acknowledge them without trying to change anything and gently go back to your breath. There ! You just practiced Mindfulness. It is a quality that you already possess and you can learn to access it. And you don’t need to change any beliefs, it’s just a way to bring awareness and caring, warmth and kindness to ourselves and others and into everything you do.

Seems easy right ? Well, it is ---- and isn’t. While it is a very simple practice, it is not a short cut to wellbeing. Our minds are hard wired to make judgments and we have a deep-rooted habit of evaluating our human experience and we often have expectations on how things “should be”, and emotions attached to our expectations. Through various techniques Mindfulness teaches us to be Compassionate towards ourselves, and to have gentle Curiosity with whatever is happening in the moment and not reacting to it. It takes regular practice and involves breathing methods, guided imagery and body scans.

This is it. And Practice. I would be honored to lead you in your practice. Check our Home page for upcoming sessions, sign up and join in for a nourishing hour of practice 😊